Office of the School Governance and Operations Division




Education Program Supervisor (SGOD)/(SocMob)


Project Development Offiocer II - DRRM



  1. To provide strategic direction and technical inputs to the management of the schools division towards effective and efficient governance and operation of the schools and learning centers and in being accountable for its organizational effectiveness.

  2. To lead and manage the work of the team that will help ensure that Schools Division have the resources, technical assistance and are able to implement sustainable programs and projects to help schools establish and manage conducive learning environment and ensure learner readiness to learn.



Senior Education Program Specialist (M&E)


Education Program Specialist – II



Primarily accountable for the implementation of standards and policies relevant to managing schools and to ensure that the following are provided to / implemented in schools for the purpose of effectiveness:

  • Quality Management System Implementation

  • Assessment

  • Technical Assistance

Special Functions:

  • Manage the implementation of the division assessment program aligned to the national assessment framework

  • Provide technical assistance to schools and LCs in assessing learning for diagnostic, formative and summative purposes in terms of:

    • Authentic assessment strategies and tools for classroom use

    • Utilization of results for monitoring progress and for grading purposes

  • Supervise the efficient administration of national, regional, and division assessment tests

  • Provide technical assistance to schools in the utilization of assessment results for making instructional decisions

  • Manage a quality management system to ensure application of standards for quality division education planning, quality implementation of processes and quality control of education outcomes of schools and LCs

  • Oversee conformance to national and regional standards and guidelines in :

    • Capacitating schools for school improvement planning

    • Implementing SBM programs and projects

    • Evaluating achievement of school and learning outcomes

  • Lead in the development of an M&E system in the schools division

  • Manage the regular conduct of Division Monitoring , Evaluation and Adjustment (DMEA) program

  • Monitor and evaluate performance of the Schools Division along :

    • Technical assistance to schools and LCs in such areas as:

      • Curriculum implementation

      • SBM installation and creation of the enabling environment

      • Assessment of SBM level of practice

      • SBM M&E implementation in schools

      • Implementation of national and regional programs and projects

      • Utilization of assessment and evaluation results of all programs and projects

    • Distribution of education resources to schools and LCs

    • Organizational effectiveness of the schools division

    • Organizational support



Senior Education Program Specialist (Planning & Research)



To facilitate the formulation and implementation of education plans, standards, policies and guidelines in all areas of basic education in the division.


To develop and maintain Division Education Planning and Data Management Systems and conduct research studies to provide critical inputs as bases for management’s strategic and operational decisions.


Specific Functions:

  1. Lead in the preparation and updating of the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP)

  2. Lead in the preparation of the schools division’s annual plan and budget

  3. Prepare the schools division research agenda and oversee its implementation

  4. Oversee and provide technical assistance to schools and learning centers in the preparation of their respective plans

  5. Serve as the clearing house for division basic education data/information

  6. Prepare division statistical reports that will support schools division planning, research and decision-making

  7. Generate and disseminate timely, accurate and relevant basic education statistics to both internal and external stakeholders (e.g., LGUs, CSOs)

  8. Validate data inputted by schools and LCs in the EBEIS

  9. Prepare schools division planning-related reports as may be required by the Central and Regional Offices, and other partner organizations




Senior Education Program Specialist (HRD)


Education Program Specialist II- HRD



To implement efficient and effective Human Resource Development Systems to ensure availability of competent education leaders, teaching and non-teaching personnel for the schools, learning centers and schools division office at all times.


Specific Functions:

  1. Install, implement, and manage the HRD services and the T&D Systems for the schools division.

  2. Develop and implement a master plan for professional development and career management for all personnel within the schools division.

  3. Manage the scholarship and training grants program for the schools division office.

  4. Provide technical assistance to the Schools and LCs on the implementation of the Employee Benefits Programs and HRD systems

  5. Manage the needs assessment, program planning, resource development and delivery of needs-based professional programs for the Schools Division Office, districts, schools and LCs.

  6. Provide technical assistance on the implementation of the school-based training and development program for teachers.

  7. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the HRD and the T&D Systems in the schools divisions.

  8. Manage the Training and Development Information System (TDIS), a component of the HRMIS, in support to the provision of quality programs.