Office of the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chief
Specific Functions:
To ensure the full implementation of the articulated Basic Education Curriculum (Pre-School, Elementary, Secondary and ALS), through localization/indigenization and innovations in teaching the various subject-areas towards improvement in the quality of learning outcomes.
To improve provision and availability of quality learning and teaching resource materials for students and instructional support materials for teachers in the Division.
To conduct research studies and utilize research findings.
To provide technical assistance to schools in the areas of:
Curriculum Implementation
Instructional Supervision
Resource Generation and Social Mobilization
SIP Implementation
To improve access to basic/functional literacy skills and raise the level of literacy in the deprived, disadvantaged and underserved areas.
Specific Functions:
Manage the implementation of policies, guidelines, standards and specifications in the procurement, development, production and utilization of learning resources.
Evaluate, quality assure and approved localized learning resources for the use of schools, LCs and the School’s Division Office (SDO).
Develop materials for various delivery systems through the use ICT-enbale solutions.
Provide technical assistance to schools and LCs in development, production, storage, distribution, and utilization of learning.
Oversee the Uitlization of processes to support access to teaching and learning resources.
Specific Functions:
Provide professional and instructional advice and support to the school heads and teachers /facilitators of schools and learning centers in the district or cluster.
Provide technical assistance in curriculum implementation in coordination with the Instructional Management Team .
Coordinate and represent DepED in the Municipal School Board and ensure that all schools/LCs have equitable share in the SEF budget.
Monitor schools and LCs requisition, utilization, and liquidation of SEF funds of the municipality.
Coordinate with other agencies both internal and external in resource generation and linkages.
Initiate, and strengthen the community of schools/LCs, professional teachers and learners in the district.
Settle disputes among education stakeholders in the district.
Provide Teachnical Assistance to schools and LCs in learning management, delivery systems and assessment modes for all types of learners consistent with the national and regional policies and standards.
Implement pilots and try-outs of the localized learning systems, innovative delivery modes and use results to imptove instruction.
Coordinate and provide technical assistance to schools in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ALS programs and researches.
Coordinate the conduct of literacy mapping, literacy surveillance, developmental activities, learning sessions, advocacy, resource generations and social mobilization.
Guide and coach the Mobile Teachers in advocacy and communicty organization, conduct of learning sessions, materials development, distribution, utilization and adaptation.